Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sometimes you forget

Waking up this morning with the heavy, flat bottomed clouds clinging to the mountains on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe is pretty hard to beat.
Up at Tahoe for the first time in at least six years, you can forget the majesty of this place.

I loved coming here during college for ski weekends or retreats. Honestly I never had anything but a good time up here. Now I will do my very best to not kill myself as I rent a snowboard and hit the slopes of Squaw Valley.

My sister's best college chum (also one of my friends) invited me to come along with her on this long weekend away from the city. I have wanted to come back since moving to SF so up I came. I got to be honest, it may have been a mistake but one that I will enjoy the entire time.

We are in a house that sleeps 16 with about 24 people, a vast majority of whom I have yet to meet. The two I have met thus far have been wearing long underwear. Last night my sister's best college chum's chums set up in a room that may or may not be insulated. Once we figured out the space heater we could no longer see our breath, but I was fortunate to have my BeardHead to keep my nose warm.

But I did wake up to the sun peaking over the mountains. Off to the mountain soon, to rent me a snowboard, boots and helmet. And hope not to kill myself.

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