Below please find an passage from City Council Member Lappin's July Community Bulletin.(Commentary in brackets and
Lappin Bill Takes on Vendor Scofflaws [
dude, really? Scofflaws?]
Legislation bolsters enforcement of existing laws [
all while destroying small businesses in New York]
While food vending trucks enliven the city’s landscape and offer the culinary diversity for which New York is famed [
and provide jobs], a few bad actors routinely flout the city’s parking and idling laws. These vendors should feed New Yorkers, not the meter. No one person or business owns a parking spot or piece of the street. That’s why I introduced legislation with Council Member Karen Koslowitz to reclaim public streets and help the city enforce its own laws. [
YEAH! Power to the people! Make working New Yorkers pay for crappy over priced food and ensure Upper East Siders don't have deal with the Taco truck. BTW we all know there is a bit of racism at play Ms Lappin, just so you know we didn't miss it.]
Since then, both Mayor Bloomberg and the Daily News Editorial board have agreed that illegally parked food trucks are indeed a problem in our city [
but have said your legislation is too punitive]. Here’s the issue. It is already against the law for vendors to idle their engines continuously or feed a parking meter beyond its allowed time.
However, some food vendor trucks around the city commonly do both. My bill applies to these 100 or some odd trucks [
Council Member, you are going to put these people out of business, perhaps a bit a research would be required on your part] – and only the trucks – not the vendors who are selling on the sidewalks. The bill would allow the Health Department to suspend or revoke the vending licenses of those who regularly violate the city’s laws.
We had a first hearing on the bill on June 16, 2010. Passionate proponents and opponents weighed in and we will use the testimony we heard to review and amend the bill. [
Here is hoping!] I look forward to working with the Administration and those on both sides to tackle this issue.